Jacob Rees-Mogg’s surprise announcement in Parliament
The Leader of the House was responding to a question in parliament today and in his answer announced driving lessons would restart on 4th July. As instructors we had not been notified of this by the DVSA and even the DIA (Driving Instructors Association) a tier 1 organisation had not been informed. So, will lessons start on 4th July? Probably not, as even the DIA have said this evening they will have to take next few days to look into trying to get us some guidance. As a business I the owner have to make my business ‘Covid secure’ before restarting and I can’t even start this process until clear concise guidance is supplied to me. Your and my own (and familys) safety is of upmost importance and I will not compromise this by rushing to restart lessons.
I have just in the last hour received a brief DVSA announcement but no advice or guidance as yet. I will also await some guidance from the DIA and will do another blog when I have more information. The virus is still present and still sadly taking on average over 100 lives per day so please be aware the ‘political / economy’ announcement today does not change that. However, when I’m happy we can safely manage risks, lessons will restart but things will be different. Driving tests will not restart till late July.