Rising Fuel Costs and Lesson Fee Increases

Earlier this year we had to make the decision to increase lesson fees due to rapidly increasing fuel costs. These fuel costs have continued to increase and news reports yesterday stated an average car in the UK costs just under £100 to fill. I had to pay £1.98 per litre yesterday. Apparently a HGV lorry is costing companies an extra £20,000 per year to fill with fuel! As a driving instructor I obviously use fuel each lesson and I have tried to absorb these extra costs but unfortunately I now need to amend my pricing structure. I unfortunately am ending the block payment discount I offered for 10 hours (with immediate effect). This is because during the use of these lessons fuel expenses are increasing too rapidly for me to absorb the losses any longer. I will obviously honour any block payments already paid for. I am also having to amend prices as follows from the 16th June 2022:

1 Hour Lesson £32

1.5 Hour Lesson £48

2 Hour Lesson £64

Motorway Lesson (2 Hours) £70

Evening / Weekend Supplement unchanged at £3 per hour

Bank Holiday Supplement unchanged at £5 per hour

I will post details on this blog in the event of any lesson fee changes with 7 days notice.

I am disappointed to have to increase fees but hope you understand that to continue a viable business I have no option. Our prices remain highly competitive in our area.

On a positive note I have recently introduced exciting new bonuses for all my customers including Driver Active Lesson Handouts and access to the great Driver Active online driving lessons!

All driving lessons continue to be offered in a Client Centred manner to tailor our tuition to your personal requirements.

Thanks everyone,



New Prices from 6/4/23


Spring Has Arrived & another Great First Time Pass!